Thursday, 4 June 2009

The latest punchline from the ADL

Over the pond the ADL has apparently surpassed itself. This strip  pulished May 31st ( I reproduce it here and here translated in Italian ) has aroused Mr. Foxman's anger. Look here and here for the ADL official press release.

Never mind that the strip it's an obvious nod to the financial sharks who are in part responsible for the current depr.. - oh no, it's a recession about to end in a few months sure. Maybe it is the ADL who wants to imply that the financial world is dominated by Jews  ?

Never mind that Doonesbury has been a landmark liberal strip for the past 40 years, with many Jewish characters - it has even been courageous enough to criticize Israel, sometimes.

Never mind that the ADL geniuses are so smart that they apparently haven't noticed or haven't had the idea to check  that in the strip Reverend Sloan is actually reading something very close to Romans 1:18 - that is from the NEW Testament.

What are they going to do next, ask Shakespeare to rewrite the Merchant of Venice to suit their tastes ? Sheesh...

P.S. Tutto questo mi ha fatto venire in mente la buonanima di Enzo G. Baldoni. Grande copywriter, grande ballista melenso, grande conoscitore della lingua inglese e di Doonesbury (beh quando scrisse il necrologio di Zio Duke fu veramente il massimo però), e - bisogna riconoscerlo - abbastanza grande o incosciente da andare a farsi ammazzare in Iraq per un blog.

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