Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Eric Playedone

Usenet è ancora un posto interessante dove scoprire cose nuove oppure divertirsi in modo (relativamente) intelligente con l'inaspettato. Sul gruppo chitarristico della gerarchia it.* ieri c'è stato un thread liutistico-linguistico molto singolare. Lo spunto è stato fornito da questo video su Youtube:

Ovviamente si tratta di Jimmy Page, che viene intervistato per qualche minuto riguardo alle sue chitarre, in particolare la sua Les Paul. Comprendere bene quanto detto, anche per l'argomento piuttosto specialistico trattato non è proprio trivial ma ho voluto spenderci qualche minuto provando a fare una trascrizione. Ho capito fischi per fiaschi in un punto un po' biascicato, poco dopo però non sono riuscito ad afferare il nome e cognome di un certo chitarrista, evidentemente a me sconosciuto, mi sembrava che Page dicesse Harry o Erik Princes o Pleeces o qualcosa del genere. Ho provato anche a 'riavvolgere' il video più volte, ma niente di niente. Era il tizio della foto sopra, che negli anni '60 suonava soprattutto Gibson, poi si spostò più su chitarre di altro brand. La cosa divertente è che - giuro - meno di 72 ore fa ho strimpellato un pezzo preso da Total Guitar di Nov. 08 con Mr. Playedone on the cover. Metto la trascrizione corretta dal bravo 'ddguitar' qui sotto. La morale di tutto questo ? Devo esercitarmi di più con le ..scale.

I've noticed that the machines the tuners are Grovers, the seal Grovers, that wouldn't make them the original ones

JP Ah, no.. um i got this from Joe Walsh He insisted that I bought it and he was right
And it has been refinished and probably the reason he wanted to sell it is that it didn't feel the same to him when he got it back and my feeling is that it is a little hazy a long while ago but the sheer fact that all these holes haven't been filled in I've got a feeling that I would have changed
the machine heads the perception one so the Grover which I was more familiar with my lesp custom and they're more sensitive boy it fell down from my les paul days so here we go

So it was for tuning issues

JP Purely for that yeah You know three pieces like in Led Zeppelin you couldn't havea a slipping machine head or something

yeah i feel the same.. the only thing I noticed immediately is this.. push pull knob

JP right

ahem that way

JP yeah

and was that something that you had done

JP well I customized my number two lespaul which I gained as a real old vintage one too however that gave any combination of one or two but it's a little bit fuzzy because all of these pushpull and switches here but the reality of it was the thing that I found mooost important to me was the fact that you could reverse the phase on it reversing the phase you get you
get a closer approximation of the sound that peter green would get

oh yeah

JP and certainly BB King and when some of these came out with the pick ups that were out of phase and you know accidentally I don't know I set it on both of them and here we go

do you use specifically for the big sound or

JP oh yeah yeah I use em quite a bit it's just as simple as that you pull it out and you get them reversed pop it back in you get the full whack and everything

and this guitar got also a very very slim neck and probably people speculate as to whether it came that way or you had it done it is something that you had

JP I didn't have it done this guitar is sort of been it's one of these guitars was made to come my way because as I said Joe Walsh insisted that I bought it and he was right It came as it was the only thing that changed was that really in essence the tuning heads it already came with this scalloped neck
I've got to say that I inherited THIS OTHER guitar from Jeff Beck which was the
yardbirds guitar which was another BRAND (fender),I MIGHT ADD but the reality of
it is that it came to me and that had a very shallow neck as well it is as that came to me that way this came to me as well it always was so we need to go back in the day when ERIC PLAYED ONE, FOR INSTANCE it was always as knowna as a really user friendly guitar, THE LES PAUL.

a slow neck probably suits your style nicely then

JP well i played it then that's what it is

interesting so this guitar is essentialy is irrepleacable to you

JP oh absolutely

JP it's my mistress my wife and the great thing is that it doesn't put you
out for alimony

hope it's not leaving

JP no it's not leaving

we wouldn't be very proud

JP it's gonna be having some son and daughters and the paternity ..ha ha

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