Sunday, 12 April 2009

La storia di Firenze verrà riscritta...

Per anni ci hanno sempre raccontato che non era altro che una ghiacciaia dalla foggia particolare costruita per la fattoria modello del Granduca. Qualcuno forse vi avrà visto un riferimento nemmeno troppo sottile a certe frequentazioni cui i Lorena non erano del tutto estranei (da monarchi illuminati quali erano).

Il recente restauro della Piramide delle Cascine (cliccare la foto sopra per ingrandirla) però fa strappare alle ingiurie dei secoli (ma che dico dei secoli: dei millenni) simboli forse mai visti sin dalla fine dell'Antico Regno. Da notare il fregio sulla porta, da notare i geroglifici sui lati della Piramide.

E' evidente: ben prima dei Romani, ben prima degli Etruschi sulle rive  dell'Arno sorgeva certamente una necropoli egizia!

Friday, 10 April 2009

How to solve 'CLED error SRV #001'

Sometimes people using Cubase or VSTs by Arturia encounter a 'CLED error' message upon restarting their systems. This is actually an error caused by a dongle emulation software (read, a software crack) made by a (I believe now  defunct) group called H20 written to circumvent the sophisticated Syncrosoft dongle copy protection system. 
One way to avoid the error is to remove CLED.EXE from the registry startup entries. CLED.EXE is a tray application talking to a syncrosoft dongle emulation device living usually in the system peripherals tree. In case of partial deinstalls, double installs, or other problems CLED.EXE has trouble talking to the device. Of course removing CLED and/or the device removes the software crack, as a side effect.
For those wanting to indulge in using slightly old, often partially working cracked music software, merely for research purposes and in anticipation of actually buying the real thing (it's not hypocrisy: there are NO working cracks for the latest releases of Cubase and some Arturia softsynths, for real purposes one has to buy the real thing) here's a simple guideline to actually solve the CLED error problem.

- first of all deinstall everything, the syncrosoft software, the cled.exe
entries, the emulation device, cled.exe itself.
- purge the registry of every entry (even registrations CLSID trees) referring to syncrosoft
- delete cled.sys in \windows\system32\drivers
- delete the syncrosoft dlls (synsoacc*  etc)  from \windows\system2
- find a recent release of the True Emu Syncrosoft Driver 5.01 and install it
- reinstall the original software: it should reinstall the Syncrosoft software 
and found the emulation device already installed.

That's it: it's only a rough guideline, of course you have to know what you're doing (don't try it if you don't, you risk to blow up your entire system) and it's not guaranteed to work anyway. Better of other solutions you may find online, though...

Unnè più schifato...

A metà Aprile 2009 l'umore di Domenici sembra decisamente migliorato, visto che si candida per le europee...  Per fortuna che alle amministrative voto in un modo, alle politiche e alle europee spesso in un altro, mah!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Anti-Catholic propaganda geniuses - an update

Thanks to an anonymous comment to my earlier post I am able to show the original photo whence the 'young Ratzinger nazi salute' was taken. It's quite clearly an image from the ordination of Joseph Ratzinger and his older brother: the two are about to lay on the floor, it's a part the ordination ritual.